Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's Easy: Give Yourself A Big Hug!

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a hands-on healing art originating from Japan. More than a prescribed method, Jin Shin Jyutsu is really a way of being that aims at liberating the bonds of human suffering through direct experience and developing an understanding of the creative energy that brings us to, and sustains, life.

When energy moves freely through our body, our spirits are uplifted, our bodymind feels good, and we are in good health. Where the source of this original energy emanates from has been elusive to science and remains a mystery to all religions. What does seem true is that when the connection between this Source is broken, or when static or cross-interference occurs, physical symptoms show up. It makes sense, then that if we find ways to recuperate the flow of energy for ourselves, we’ll have more connection to the Source, experience a resonant balance in matters of the heart, bodymind, and spirit, and good health will be ours to claim.

For me, Jin Shin Jyutsu is a meditation-when I apply it to my own body, as well as when offering it to others. My favorite and practical time to apply it is the wee morning hours when I am awake and snuggled comfortably in bed. It’s my personal self-maintenance time, and a wonderful way to greet the day: with an intention for healing yourself, knowing the reverberations of good health will fountain out to others, regardless of physical appearances or results. There is no wrong way to do it (some ways are more efficient than others though), and no harm will come of doing JSJ on its own merit, or combined with any other treatment.

This quiet gentle practice surprises me with of how my mind works, with it’s conditioning and tendencies to worry, to be fearful or tearful, to either pretend everything is alright or aim for perfection in myself or others, or to get steeped in cynicism about the imperfections of being human. I love that the mystery of how and why it works is unsolveable, because when my thinking brain cannot figure it out, I end up letting go (AKA “giving up”), and then solutions, openings and insights appear far beyond my imagination! Complications become simple awareness...

Jin Shin Jyutsu allows me to develop a deeper understanding of the way in which energy manifests itself in and around us, and to develop a means to repair or restore the separation between what is manifest (the physical body) and not manifest (Source). By facilitating greater self-awareness, especially when there is inertia, that feeling of being stuck in any aspect of my life or mental processes, I have choices to respond in fresh and creative ways, rather than react with habitual reactions that either arise out of fear or were once important but have long since become robotically automatic.

Simple? As they say here in Wisconsin, “You bet!” But it does require commitment and action to facilitate healing and becoming whole again.

Try this: While laying in bed, standing, or sitting, give yourself a big hug! The JSJ way is to cross your hands across the body and slip four fingers under the armpit, thumb on the anterior of your upper chest like this:

No death grip or strong bear hug required! Close your eyes and let out a big sigh. Continue with relaxed breathing and mentally scan your body from head to toes or toes to head, observing how your body feels: are there sensations, if yes make a mental note and quickly move on (“I notice my right knee feels stressed and tight compared to the left, I like the compression of my thighs towards my stomach, my neck and shoulders just became relaxed...etc.) After awhile, you do not need to do the body scan, just give yourself a big hug and notice how you feel. After 10 breaths, a few moments, a half-hour, any amount of time you have is beneficial.

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