My passion is offering tools of good health to people. With the right tools, a beautiful garden can be created (like this one, in the center of a hospital in Japan we visited).
My Dad always said that if you have the right tool, it’s more efficient, and the repair or build lasts a lot longer, maybe for a lifetime. He showed me that sometimes it takes awhile to figure out which tools are best for the situation, and that it’s important to observe the effects over a period of time to see how well everything is working: has the structure changed, does it hold up under tough conditions, is it working well? Are different building materials are needed? Sometimes we knew the ‘fix’ was temporary, like when you didn’t have the time, motivation or money for the best materials. But for the foundation of things he built, he always took the time needed, used the right materials to get the job done, and kept up with preventive maintenance.
I was pretty lucky to have a mentor-dad willing to show me how to repair and maintain things, and it’s been a great metaphor for health. When it comes to health, a lot can be learned on your own, and ultimately it is your own discoveries that will bring about a sense of peace. It may, however, increase your efficiency and provide deeper understanding when you consult with a well-seasoned teacher, mentor, book, or take a class from someone who is experienced.
Energywork is like that: the materials on hand, the amount of time you invest, your intuitive and book knowledge, previous experience, past neglect or maintenance, and mentors all affect what’s needed now to create a strong foundation of health, to reinforce what works well to maintain the structure, to restore and renew, or to help create a new addition to the ‘home’ (your body, your life).
Thanks, Dad! :>D