Sometimes a hiatus is needed, I guess this is true with my blogging! My Jin Shin Jyutsu learning, teaching, practicing continues, along with those that come through providing therapeutic massage and yoga. I have a renewed commitment to catalog and share my ideas, intuitions, thoughts, and experiences in a variety of ways, and hope you will enjoy the poem below. I have been following my Intuition to increase aerobic exercise (after resisting putting it into full action for awhile), with a goal of 60 min. 6 days a week (I'm working on it!). Two years ago I said, "I think my running days are over." Once I got started, and rediscovered how much better I feel, more mentally alert and vibrant throughout the day, giving myself the time to do it became a smidge easier! The poem below was written during a recent jog in my neighborhood (I'm doing the Run to 5K program and sometimes listen to music; at times, I use the elliptical machine, or power walk instead.)
The grass is Crisp
Beneath my feet.
Half frozen walnuts
Try to trick me playfully
Rolling beneath my arches
It is a test!
To see if I will remember
To pay mindful attention
To the ground beneath me
In front of me
Above the little me
Who is doing her best
To stay with
A world that seems
far to harsh
For gentle souls.
Yet always
When I stay with it
After a simple pause
A few deep cleansing breaths
(Keep going!)
The light of day appears
And I realize I am
A part of the beauty
I become it
It becomes and is me
A larger Me
(Keep going...)
38 degrees F
(pile of clothes at end of run) |