Monday, March 11, 2013

Beginning Now

 “We begin where we are, how we are, and whatever happens, happens.”
-TKV Desikachar, The Heart of Yoga

Promises to mySelf:

Take good care of my body.
Move/exercise mindfully.
Remember each day to do good work.
Trust that the Universe is a friendly place.
To live my Bodhisattva vow in a more visible way, teaching and Being present with others.

Spend time connecting with family.
Bond with friends, while preserving my solitude & primary relationships.
Create a group.

Share Jin Shin Jyutsu, Yoga, bodywork, essential oils for healing, my hands.
Offer the wisdom that arises from my Intuition/Izumi.
Spend a moment of gratitude for this body, this time, this intelligent mind.
Meditate, every day, and don’t fake it.
Remember, everyone is doing the best that they can right now.
Less worry.
Modulate judgment-let it help me pay attention to protect, and discern it’s usefulness-say “thank you, go away now” if it is in overdrive.

Disperse anger, after feeling and acknowledging it.
Appreciate grief, without getting stuck in it; use it to develop skills of compassion
Notice when I am trying too hard, relax my shoulders, smile and begin again, with ease.
Trust that all is as it is and that is good enough.

Choose Beauty.
Wait... see what unfolds.

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