I have to laugh now whenever I see anything about chicken. Many of you have wondered how things turned out with my eating adventures after my last blogpost...The Call continues to offer itself to me...it seems one continues to be challenged after creating an intention with comittment, perhaps because there is still something to be learned.
Lessons offered to me with cosmic humor, helping me to get unstuck from preconceived notions, better able to go with the flow, with ease, and (hopefully) grace and laughter:So, after calling local organic farmers and searching websites, I was *READY* to purchase some organic, pasture-raised, chicken and abide by My Call. I was ready to seriously honor my calling, although the form was not what I imagined to be a marker of spiritual development.
Unfortunately, the chickens were not quite ready for me. Um, pastured chickens in the Midwest before early Summer?? Well, for one thing, where is the pasture? I had no idea chickens had a wait period; it's like purchasing early preview tickets for the next Harry Potter Movie: "They need at least until the end of May to be ready." Next tactic:The Farmer's Market; only on opening day it was so windy that most stalls were blowing over, and the meaty ones there only had beef. Harrumpff! Undeterred, I decided to go with the restaurant theme. Sigh of relief, there was *one* restaurant in Madison with organic chicken on their menu. So, the day before Mother's Day I met with supportive loved ones for my first meat-eating venture in twelve (12) years.Fastforward to the cafe: Waitress: "Also, I need to let you know that we do not have the roast rosemary chicken today...and the gnocci that is usually stuffed with chicken has a delicious pork instead" My Inner Dialogue: " But, this is my night to come out!! Awwwkkk! What am I going to EAT?? It's too darned late to go somewhere else..." Waitress: "We do have fried chicken with a waffle..." MID: "OMG, why don't I just go to KFC and order up a bucket, honey?!" (Instead I ordered a salad, which was promptly placed before me with nuts, after being sure that I told them I was allergic [I'm not really allergic to hazelnuts, they just taste super-weirdly like poison to me, it was just easier]...this was rectified by the foodserver and aghast chef, who himself is allergic to nuts, and offered a freebie-it pays to be diligent.) This gave me a clue as to how difficult it is for those who have full-blown, life-threatening food allergies to eat out anywhere; this was a restaurant that takes pride in preparing food to your specification, is used to particularities and substitutions!
Weeks later, I went to Bonfyre Grill in Madison and consumed a very small amount of a most delicious and perfectly prepared un-organic-I-dont-care-where-it-was-raised-I-need-chicken-now Roasted Rosemary and Garlic Chicken! (See the Portlandia restaurant episode and you'll think this is a scene from the cable network!)
Learnings: sometimes one must be persistent in answering your Truth and inner callings, exercise patience, let go of what you think it will look like, and fearlessly allow the experience before you to unfold (the red wine helped.)
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