Monday, July 29, 2013

What is Flow?

There is an energy that vibrates and hums, winding its way through every cell in your body and in all things. Unseen, yet can be felt, it pervades the Universe and holds all life activity as sacred.
There is a saying, “Being in the flow.” Hard to describe this way of Being in words. The noun flow means the action of moving along in a steady, continuous stream. As a verb, it means to move along or out steadily and continuously in a current. Thus, when we are ‘in the flow’, we let go of expectations, results, control, meaning, and thoughts, and go along with whatever comes up. As with water, the current may be gentle and smooth; or, there may be eddies that form from the build up of debris in our lives, cascading tumultuously downstream. Stay with it, navigate the waters, surf the waves...let yourself be in the flow! I promise that with less resistance on your part, the flow will smooth out into that steady, continuous stream. The more you practice with ease, the more smooth and continuous it becomes.

How does flow apply to Jin Shin Jyutsu?
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, we serve to facilitate movement and balance of subtle energy. This is relaxing and healing! The Source of energy is mysterious, the indescribable Source of Life, The Creator. This life-supportive energy is transmitted through our hands, which serve like jumper cables recharging the battery of a vehicle: placing them along patterns on the body works directly with the energy in each touchspot, as well as affects everything connected with the entire pathway; “jumper cabling” in this manner balances and opens the flow of energy movement within the body. More important than the techniques or prescriptive hand placement patterns, though, is your ability to stay present without ‘trying too hard’. Simply being fully present with yourself as you utilize the hands is what regulates the flow most effectively and efficiently. Like a daily ‘jumpstart’, being Present with simple application of JSJ flows are the spark of life, creating powerful effects for hours and days afterwards. 

An easy, abbreviated-yet-powerful daily flow to try on yourself is:
Place your left hand on your coccyx (tailbone), while you place your right hand on the pubis (front center of your bony pelvis, directly opposite of the other hand.) You may use either the palm or back side of hands, fingertips or entire hand, whichever is most comfortable; your touch may be firm, or light as a feather; no pressure or manipulation of tissues is required. There is no wrong way to do it, and nothing harmful will happen.
Laying down
Breathe, relax your shoulders down with a sigh, and simply notice. Become aware of any sensations without trying to make anything happen. Observe texture, temperature, and sensations where your hands are in contact with your body; notice the area between where your hands are. The flow is complete, is balanced, when you notice a gentle pulse or buzz in your hands, or a shift in feel, texture, or temperature. Or, when you sense that you’re done, you’re done! 

When you first do the flow, you may not feel any change, but it is still working. If this is the case, simply keep your hands in place for a count of 10 slow full breaths; over time, you will feel the rhythm or pulse, and if done daily this occurs more quickly. Have fun and let me know what your experience of being in the flow is like!