Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu tm
The effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) are generally deep relaxation, so it is GREAT in stressful times, times when you feel unbalanced. As there are no contraindications, it works well an adjunct to allopathic medical treatment or alongside other holistic therapies. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be beneficial for example, to help alleviate musculoskeletal or neurological pain, support the immune system, minimize side effects of drugs, and boost vitality. It can ease a sore shoulder, help digestion, or calm a restless mind. It can help us through fears, depression and times of upheaval.

Treating the Whole and the Parts
The philosophy of JSJ views the mental, emotional and physical aspects of a person as interrelated. Treated as a whole, a person commonly sees a range of positive benefits emerging. For example, a woman after surgery for breast cancer attending Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions to reduce stress was surprised that not only did she feel more relaxed in general, suddenly her shoulder pain and her attitude of misdirected anger was greatly reduced; her friends were amazed to see her face looking more radiant. She expressed that in many ways she felt better than she had been since receiving her diagnosis many months prior.

How many sessions does it take, and how often?
Jin Shin Jyutsu works to harmonize the deepest cause of our uncomfortable symptoms at a subtle level, so this journey is not usually a "quick fix". You will feel better during or shortly after a session, but for lasting effects, chronic conditions benefit most from regular sessions over a period of time, at least 6 regular sessions, lasting about 30-60 minutes. Acute discomforts and more critical conditions can be treated daily or even twice per day, for shorter periods.
Joi Box; client's creativity project
Sometimes quick and dramatic results are experienced. I have witnessed a single 10 minute Jin Shin Jyutsu session clear neck pain, minimize shoulder and headache, and bring a new realization that some grief processing still needed to take place; other times it's not so obvious right away, but seen as ease in relationships, lessening of menopausal symptoms/hormonal imbalances, or an ability to bring more creativity in a client's life in the weeks after a JSJ session. I have also seen healthy people discover simple and real support for the stresses and challenges of day to day living.

Deepen your Spiritual Path and Bring Life Meaning

While some wish to alleviate specific discomforts, others wish to discover deeper meaning and authenticity in their lives.  The art of Jin Shin Jyutsu offers uniquely simple and empowering tools to support your individual journey, such as self-help practices to do at home or anytime during your daily living-so simple a small child can do them
Safe and no Religious Ritual
There are no contraindications for Jin Shin Jyutsu – Many practitioners serve healthy strong individuals and very sick frail people: e.g., newborn babies, weight lifters or builders with back injuries, post-surgery or motor vehicle accidents, people in hospitals after heart surgery, etc.

To make a Jin Shin Jyutsu appointment go to or for queries, phone 608-695-5905.